I Love You, Daddy (Louis C. K., 2017)
Tyler S. Mason says the main problem with I Love You, Daddy is that it wasn't particularly funny.
Tyler S. Mason says the main problem with I Love You, Daddy is that it wasn't particularly funny.
What do a dragon's wings sound like?
The ghosts of Christmas Carols past cling to The Man Who Invented Christmas making me wonder just how many more movies can be squeezed from this admittedly beloved but well-milked source material.
“I’d like to think I’m a good Christian. I’m trying to be; it’s not easy.”
In between when Sofia Coppola's The Beguiled premiered at Cannes and when it opens in domestic theaters Patty Jenkins's Wonder Woman managed to become all the rage.
The procedures of the courts and the justice system are often taken for granted and never truly examined for their efficiency by most people in the U.S.. While there is a large… Continue reading "Tribal Justice"
Terence Davies' new film, A Quiet Passion , has the potential to garner the interest of many, though it may not be accessible to those who are not familiar with his other works, or indie films in general.
While Niebuhr coined one of the most quoted Christian prayers in recent history, the Serenity Prayer, many young people such as myself have never been exposed to him in their general education, despite being from a Christian household.
A look at new documentary on the porn industry and an exclusive interview with its director, Ovidie.