Oh Lucy! (Hirayanagi, 2018)
Warning: This review contains plot spoilers.
Warning: This review contains plot spoilers.
Go to the Youtube page containing the trailer for Pope Francis: A Man of His Word, a week before the film opens, and you may be surprised to find scores and scores of comments, most vituperative.
I've wondered many times since then if my own abiding ambivalence about poetry stems less from some intellectual or spiritual defect and more from being forced to study poetry before anyone was ready to really teach me and I was ready to really learn it.
Everyone wonders about how past choices affect their lives.
I've seen a lot of bad Christian movies in my career, so I tend to approach new ones with a healthy dose of skepticism. I'm always pleasantly surprised when a film by or marketed for Christians manages to exceed my expectations. Paul, Apostle of Christ is one such film.
“To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable.”
Tyler S. Mason says the main problem with I Love You, Daddy is that it wasn't particularly funny.
What do a dragon's wings sound like?
The ghosts of Christmas Carols past cling to The Man Who Invented Christmas making me wonder just how many more movies can be squeezed from this admittedly beloved but well-milked source material.