The Definitive Ranking of Every Robert Bresson Film Ever!
This guy ranked every Robert Bresson film ever! What he put at #6 will blow your mind!
This guy ranked every Robert Bresson film ever! What he put at #6 will blow your mind!
Jurassic World (★★) is not a bad movie, but it is such a contentedly, non-aspirationally mediocre one that it often feels worse than it is.
From Paris With Love is not going to make Signed, Sealed, Delivered the next breakout show, but on a weekend where the choices at the multiplex are pretty crass (Entourage, Spy), it's a serviceable diversion for the audience segment that eschews R-rated films altogether.
In the newest episode of The Thin Place, Alex McKee subs in for Todd to discuss whether or not one has to know the Entourage television show to like the movie.
In the latest episode, Todd and Ken discuss Yasujiro Ozu's Tokyo Story.
This much talked about documentary from Sundance is now on Netflix. I reviewed it for Christianity Today Movies & TV.
Max Ophuls didn't invent the tracking shot, but he may have used it more effectively than anyone else.
Billed as "The Film Hollywood Doesn't Want You to See," Amy Berg's documentary claims the practice of child molestation in the entertainment industry is pervasive.
We call natural disasters "Acts of God," but we struggle to square them with our providential worldview.
The remarkable thing about Our Man in Tehran is its ability (much like Rory Kennedy's Last Days in Vietnam which also played at the festival) to take a complex situation and distill it without being reductive.