Is Genesis History? (Purifoy, 2017)
Spoiler Alert: The answer is "yes."
Spoiler Alert: The answer is "yes."
"The only way they have is to pretend to be someone else, and this is such a tragedy"
You know awards season is approach (or well underway), when people start making short lists of documentaries. What critics groups have to say about Fantastic Beasts, Doctor Strange, or Rogue One is unlikely to make much difference to these films' bottom lines. But for films that move from festival circuit almost directly to the long tail, every bit of recognition counts.
Killing Reagan is not great art and it certainly isn't great politics. But in an election year that seemingly reveals America is more polarized than ever before, there is some cultural value in its ability to humanize a controversial figure.
“We were inclined to accept a little erratic behavior, given his status,” says Ron Carter, jazz bassist, “when he (Frank Morgan) played the horn, you forgot about those things.”
Peters’ inclusion of other perspectives, as well as the universality of much of the film’s message, makes it an emotionally moving and thought-provoking 72 minutes for viewers of all backgrounds.
Lifta is described in this documentary's press materials as "the only Palestinian village abandoned during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war that has not been destoryed or repopulated by Jews."
Josh Wartel catches up with this award winner from SXSW film festival and is not quite as charmed as the festival jury....
The Witness is a powerfully messy film.
If I had the film on DVD, I would be seriously tempted to play it through once with no sound, just savoring the images, and then go back and listen to the commentary.