Boys State (Moss, 2020)
“And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me / He’d grown up just like me / My boy was just like me.” — “Cats in the Cradle,”… Continue reading "Boys State (Moss, 2020)"
“And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me / He’d grown up just like me / My boy was just like me.” — “Cats in the Cradle,”… Continue reading "Boys State (Moss, 2020)"
When I was an undergraduate in the mid 1980s, The Chronicle of Higher Education surveyed ninety-nine literature professors, asking which works written since the end of World War II would… Continue reading "Flannery (Bosco & Coffman, 2020)"
Tom Hanks is the selling point for Greyhound. In it, the actor — and now writer — has found a vehicle that is completely on brand. The film. like the… Continue reading "Greyhound (Schneider, 2020)"
Before apologizing profusely for not much caring for Skyman, I guess I have to admit that I didn’t much care for Skyman. People are literally dying to get back to… Continue reading "Skyman (Myrick, 2020)"
Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. F Scott Fitzgerald, “The Rich Boy” It is not entirely accurate and hence not entirely… Continue reading "Dads (Howard, 2020)"
The easiest film to compare to The Audition is Damien Chazelle’s Whiplash. Both films feature overbearing music teachers and their students who must come to decide how far they are… Continue reading "The Audition (Weisse, 2019)"
On the same day that I watched a screener of Selfie Dad, Brad J. Silverman’s new Christian movie about an African-American video editor aspiring to be a YouTube comic, Dave… Continue reading "Selfie Dad (Silverman, 2020)"
It is hard to know whether Judd Apatow grew up or I did. Once upon a time — 2007 to be precise — I found his portraits of aged but… Continue reading "The King of Staten Island (Apatow, 2020)"
America has been sheltering at home for a few weeks now, waiting for an excuse to return its attention to the movies while studios hold back their biggest titles to… Continue reading "Shirley (Decker, 2020)"
“Broken Bird,” despite its short run time, is a simple film with a poignant and relevant message. The film follows the life of its protagonist, a biracial teenage girl named… Continue reading "Broken Bird"