The Prestige (Nolan, 2006) — 10 Years Later
A lot of movies show people trapped in hell; this one shows them constructing it.
A lot of movies show people trapped in hell; this one shows them constructing it.
The ten finalists are: About Elly, The Assassin, Brooklyn, Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem, Inside Out, The Look of Silence; Love & Mercy, Spotlight, Stations of the Cross, and Timbuktu.
I love movies. These are the ones I loved the most last year...
I've mostly been a Tarantino fan, but even I can't defend this...
As mimicry, it is good. As fan-service, it is serviceable. But it adds nothing to the underlying tapestry. Whatever pleasures are there are imported from other movies. The audience applauds when the actors enter, but that's only out of respect for their past work. Could you imagine if J, K. Rowling did an eighth Harry Potter book and it was the next generation running through the same plot as the last? If Go Set A Watchmen had been about another trial of another African-American, a year later?
The Big Short is about people who got rich by short-selling credit default swaps--people who made obscene amounts of money by being able to accurately predict the suffering of others. That they themselves were not the root cause of the suffering makes it possible for us as viewers to not hate them; it doesn't necessarily keep them--or Baum at least--from hating themselves.
"No one has claim. All have claim."
GLBTQ Movies Have Become More Prevalent at Festivals -- Will Mainstream Audiences Ever Embrace Them?
A great introduction to the life of Janis Joplin, but some will wish it probed deeper.
Maybe our neighbors are more like us than we know.